Choosing the Right 2019 Youth Bat

Bat standards for under-14 baseball leagues are undergoing big changes in 2018. While most travel leagues are keeping the current USSSA 1.15 BPF standard, youth leagues—including Little League and PONY Baseball—are switching to a more wood-like performance standard. Select the bat standard below to make sure your athlete has approved equipment for the upcoming season.

The USSSA 1.15 BPF performance standard will continue for USSSA-sanctioned leagues, as well as any local leagues keeping the 1.15 BPF standard for 2019.
• 1.15 BPF is a higher barrel-performance standard than USABat
• Up to 2-¾” barrel diameter allowed

This new bat standard applies to: AABC, AAU, Babe Ruth Baseball, Cal Ripken Baseball, Dixie Youth Baseball, Little League Baseball, and PONY Baseball. Your athlete’s bat MUST adhere to this standard in order to be eligible for play.
• Wood-like barrel performance standard
• Wood-like barrel performance standard